Food For Thought: Use Incantations to manifest your vision
💡 We are all familiar with affirmations and the jargon spoken about “I am xxx” and practicing this. However, saying this is only one piece of the pie – believing AND feeling it is the most important element, and this is where incantations are more effective than affirmations. How so❓
Remember, how we get out of bed and prepare for each day determines the mood we are likely to carry throughout the day, which leaves us either in a perpetual state of immobility OR mobility❗️
How does incantations then help with manifesting a vision and being more purposeful in anything we do (whether business or personal)❓
✅ Remember, every feeling or action begins with a thought, and since we control our thoughts, we have the power of choice on how we experience our life.
✅ When saying an incantation, the key is to get in tune with the emotional charge of what is being said, which means embodying and being what we say…
✅ By embodying the physical state of what we say, we train our neurologic state to make it real to our mind, by NOT only speaking the language, but also feeling it.
✅ By doing this, we take direct control of our state which can change the difference in the quality of how run a business and our own life. So, leave a comfortable amount of time every morning, to have a clear and stress-free mind and the ability to focus on important positive incantations.
💧 If we don’t consciously control our thoughts and what enters our minds, we are receptive to anything that comes in it, which affects our emotions 💧